Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ouija Flower

Hello everybody today I'm bringing you a look. This look is kinda new for me but not new at the same time I decided to mix my usual style with colorful tattoos and hair. the hair I'm wearing is from the march round of arcade this year from an awesome hair shop called exile they make some awesome hair I highly recommend. I decided to mix a bit of my dark style with the lighter side of things well enough of my babling here is Ouija Flower.

this look contains the following

Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - FAITH Apricot PLAIN no Cleavage

Hair: Exile::Give and Take: 9. Wild Fusion RARE
Exile Mainstore LM:

Hands & Feet: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Relaxed
SLink - The Art of Beauty

Cosmetics: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Lustful Pinks Lipsticks

Tattoos: Letis Tattoo :: Mizar :: MM12009 ::
Letis Tattoo :: Pink Stars :: HIP12002 :
Letis Tattoo mainstore-

Shirt: Goth1c0: Anti-pure Crop Top - Ouija

Jeans: *X*plosion X*Cross Female Pants Straight (Black)

Shoes: Apple May Designs - Neon Wings Sneakers - Pink
Apple May Designs Mainstore-

Accessories: Obscure - Cross Necklace Silver
Obscure LM:

**RE** Rebel Pentagram Bracelets BOX 2.0

Poses: KaTink - Regina 1 regina

Light Settings: CalWL

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Hello everyone today I'm bringing a very cool release from 7 Deadly s{K}ins it's for the fantasy fair and all of the proceeds from this release goes to Relay for Life. It comes with some cool ears and a horn basically a cool unicorn look now I haven't fiddled with a lot of fantasy stuff so bear with me its my first time dabbling in it I also traveled all over the grid for The TAG Gatcha and picked up some awesome items so now  I present Rarity.

TAG Gacha Starting location:
Fantasy Faire Lm:
this look contains the following

Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Rain SNOW unicorn
Fantasy Faire Lm:

Hair: .Olive. the Tumble Hair - FATPACK [Rez Me] RARE

Olive Mainstore:

Eyes: Clemmm - 16mm Eyes Regular /// Ice Penny (L)
Clemmm - 16mm Eyes Regular /// Ice Penny(R)
Clemmm Mainstore:

Hands & Feet: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Relaxed
SLink - The Art of Beauty

Cosmetics: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Lustful Pinks Lipsticks

Dress: Poute- Bella Wedding Dress- White
Poute Mainstore:

Light Settings: CalWL

Monday, April 27, 2015

I'm already dead ( IZombie look)

Hello everybody like the title says its a look I came up with it based off of a awesome show if you haven't seen it you should. Anyway I decided to take the common zombie look from the show now it's a bit different instead of decaying rotting usual zombie look the way to identify this zombie is that they have pale skin and almost white blonde hair. Well time to present I'm already dead!
ragnar is available at the fantasy fair 100% proceeds go toward relay for life 

this look contains the following 

Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Ragnar HUMAN snow
Fantasy Faire Lm:

Hair: Hairstyle CRUZ - Blond - REDGRAVE

Jacket: Yasum*MESH*London Trench*MALE*Mega Hud controled

Jeans: L&B S'wear "Classic" Jeans - FatPack

Shoes: .:L&B:. "Biker" Classic Boots & Shoes :Kevlar/Black

Light Settings: CalWL

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Julian Toxic

In the distant future a terrible event occurred which plunged the world into a chaotic wasteland.The world as we know is but a shell of it's former self. In this chaos those poor souls that survive look through the wreckage of whats left What keeps all this chaos in order? The factions these groups of people have power over these areas nothing moves with out there say so. Today were focusing on one faction the Toxic faction.  The Toxic faction is run by Julian  Toxic he says what goes on in his area. Julian is one of the more soft hearted leaders of the factions.

I hope you enjoyed  a little story I wanted to do something different so hopefully you liked the story here is Julian Toxic

Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - JULIAN limited

Hands & Feet: Slink AvEnhance Hands Male - Relax
SLink - The Art of Beauty

Jacket: L&B Swear LE "Toxic" Biker Jacket - Men's

Jeans: *X*plosion X*Cross Male Pants Straight (BadMood)

Shoes: *X*plosion Smasher Boots (Black)

Poses: ::Axix:: LordCrow.
MP Link:

Light Settings: CalWL

Friday, April 10, 2015

Bonnie The Bunny

I know I'm a little late for Easter but today I thought I'd show off a beautiful sexy look for you all. Now I wanted to make a very good look but wanted to show some skin as well whats perfect than a Playboy Bunny Outfit. Now the suit has been around ever since the playboy clubs were originally open from 1960 to 1988. I won't go into full detail but you get the basic idea ever since the costume was made it has been a symbol of sexiness so I thought why not wear this beautiful costume for a blog shoot.
 The Suit is from CNZ they have some cool stuff I snaged this outfit over the weekend for just 60 lindens. the skin obviously from that awesome shop for your skincare needs 7 Deadly s{K}ins. The Skin is called Bonnie and is available at the Designer Showcase. Lots of cool events 7 Deadly s{K}ins are participating in be sure to check em out.
 I Now Present Bonnie The Bunny

This look contains the Following

Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Bonnie

Hair: Tukinowaguma Gable 1

Hands & Feet: Slink AvEnhance Hands Female - Relaxed & Slink AvEnhance Feet Female High
SLink - The Art of Beauty

Outfit: *CNZ* Sexy Bunny

Light Settings: CalWL